Tested Versions
Java | 11+ |
Kafka Connect | 2.x, 3.x |
MySQL | Database: 8.0.x, 8.2 Driver: 8.3.0 |
MariaDB | Database: 11.4.3 Driver: 3.2.0 |
MongoDB | Database: 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 Driver: 4.11.0 |
PostgreSQL | Database: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Plug-ins: decoderbufs, pgoutput Driver: 42.6.1 |
Oracle | Database: 12c, 19c, 21c Driver: 12.2.x, 19.x, 21.x OpenLogReplicator: 1.3.0 |
SQL Server | Database: 2017, 2019, 2022 Driver: 12.4.2.jre8 |
Cassandra 3 | Database: 3.11.12 Driver: 3.11.12 |
Cassandra 4 | Database: 4.0.2 Driver: 4.14.0 |
Db2 | Database: 11.5 Driver: |
Spanner | Database: 6.x Driver: 6.x |
Vitess | Database: 12.0.x Driver: 12.0.0* * See the Vitess Connector documentation for limitations when using the connector with earlier Vitess versions |
JDBC sink | Databases: Db2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server |
Informix | Database: 12, 14 Driver: 4.50.10 |
Db2 for IBM i | Database: 7.4 Driver: 11.1 |
Not compatible with your requirements? Have a look at the other series.
See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.
Documentation for this specific series can be accessed below:
What's new
For more details on breaking changes, bugfixes, and new features see the release notes.
If you need details on how to install Debezium, we've documented some of the most common ways in the installation guide.
Releases in this series
The following are all the releases/bugfixes within this series.
Oracle connector DML parser can ignore errors; Int/bigint arrays are supported in reselect postprocessor; MongoDB metrics are aligned with realtiona connectors
Support for MariaDB 11.4; Oracle connector handles `EMPTY_BLOB()` default value; Oracle connector can skip parser errors; MariaDB/MySQL grammar fixes; CPU default configuration for Debezium Server/Engine for improved performance
Oracle connector provides additional details about abandoned transactions; Informix connector improves support for DECIMAL datatype; Kafka sink can timeout on delivery failures; SQL Server supports signalling and notifications for multiple tasks; MariaDB is included in Debezium Server distribution
MariaDB added to Debezium Connect image; `RENAME TABLE` DDL fixes for Oracle/MariaDB; Ad-hoc snapshot fixes; Incorrect closing of transformations in Debezium Engine; Improved mining ranges calculation in Oracle connector; Fixed Vitess epoch calculations; JDBC Sink now handles partition reassignments
Incubating support for MongoDB collection-scoped streaming; Heartbeats for Vitess connector; Stopping of Debezium Server via scaling to 0
Incubating support for PostgreSQL read-only incremental snapshot; Removed support for PostgreSQL 10 and 11; Truncation is available for binary data columns; SQL Server supports heartbeat queries
Incubating support for Db2 on z/OS; Added support for authentication and encryption for NATS JetStream sink; MariaDB sink supports `upsert` insert mode; Snapshot artifacts are deployed to the new location; JMX Exporter is embedded in Debezium Server image; Metrics configurable via Debezium Operator; Improved handling and propagation of trasnaction metadata in Vitess connector; Configurable delay between snapshot to streaming transitition
ROW_ID provided in Oracle connector source info block; JDBC connector supports PostgreSQL arrays; Debezium Server NATS sink supports JWT authentication; Debezium container images use Fedora 38; Performance improvement for Oracle LogMiner for very large number of tables
MariaDB connector is split from MySQL; MongoDB supports addtional conditions in incremental snapshot; Vitess connector provides total ordering information in each event; Performance improvements in Cassandra connector; Helm chart installer for Debezium Operator; Perfromance improvements in Debezium Engine/Server; Confiugrable timeout for JDBC queries