Although half of 2024 is nearly behind us, the team is pleased to announce the first beta preview release for Debezium, 2.7.0.Beta1.

This release includes incubating support for Db2 on z/OS, authentication and encryption with NATS JetStream, improvements for the MariaDB JDBC sink dialect, JMX Exporter with Debezium Server images, configurable metrics in Debezium Operator, and more.

Let’s walk through all the highlights and discuss these in more depth…​

Breaking changes

The team aims to avoid any potential breaking changes between minor releases; however, such changes are sometimes inevitable.

Snapshot Artifacts

Debezium snapshots were previously published to Sonatype has retired this repository and replaced it with (DBZ-7641). If you wish to fetch Debezium snapshot artifacts, be sure to migrate your scripts and resources to use the new infrastructure.


In previous versions, NUMERIC data types with zero-scale ignored decimal.handling.mode, which prevented these values from being emitted as FLOAT64 (double) or STRING based types when using a non-default decimal handling mode configuration. We have adjusted the behavior so that zero-scale numeric data types honor the decimal handling mode (DBZ-7882).

If you use strict compatibility with schema registries, this will lead to incompatible schema concerns, and you’ll need to adjust the compatibility settings in the schema registry.

New features and improvements

Debezium 2.7.0.Beta1 also introduces many improvements and features, lets take a look at each individually.

Support Db2 on z/OS

Debezium 2.7 introduces incubating support for using the Db2 connector on the z/OS platform. For the Db2 connector to work with z/OS, several configuration options are required to toggle the connector to work with the z/OS platform database (DBZ-4812).

New connector properties
  "db2.platform": "ZOS",
  "cdc.control.schema": "ASNCDC",
  "cdc.change.tables.schema": "ASNCDC"

The primary toggle to run in z/OS mode is done using the db2.platform, which defaults to LUW for running on Linux, Unix, and Windows. Setting this configuration option to ZOS enables z/OS.

In addition, we have also added the cdc.control.schema and cdc.change.tables.schema connector configuration properties. These were previously hardcoded as ASNCDC, and while this remains the default, if your installation uses different schemas, this is now possible.

For existing Db2 connectors for Linux, Unix, and Windows, no configuration changes are required when upgrading. The db2.platform is only required for z/OS and the schema properties only if you put these objects in a different schema than ASNCDC.

NATS JetStream sink authentication improvements

The Debezium Server NATS JetStream sink also includes improvements to support authentication and encryption in Debezium 2.7. Several new configuration properties are now supported to pass keystore details to the sink adapter (DBZ-7922).

New configuration properties

To get started using the new authentication and encryption features, simply include the above three configurations into your Debezium Server configuration with appropriate values.

JDBC sink MariaDB dialect support

While MariaDB and MySQL often share a lot of similar syntax, unfortunately there are corner cases where these two vary slightly that introduces incompatibilities. One such incompatibility was found with now the Debezium JDBC sink constructed upsert statements, which could not be executed when using a MariaDB target database.

Debezium 2.7 officially introduces MariaDB dialect support for the JDBC sink connector, enabling users to configure the JDBC sink to write changes from Kafka topics to a MariaDB target (DBZ-7874). In general, no special configuration should be necessary as both Hibernate and Debezium should detect the target is MariaDB and use the correct dialects.

If you find the dialect resolution does not resolve to MariaDB, you can enforce its use by setting the connector configuration hibernate.dialect with the fully qualified class name org.hibernate.dialect.MariaDBDialect.

We are currently aware that if you wish to use MariaDB, the driver is not shipped as part of the JDBC sink connector dependency stack. This has been recorded in DBZ-7818 and will be fixed in the next release. For now, download and install the driver manually alongside the JDBC connector jars.

JMX Exporter added to Debezium Server

The JMX Exporter agent has been added as part of the Debezium Server container image. This should enable users to easily fetch connector metrics while running Debezium Server out of the box (DBZ-7913).

To enable the JMX Exporter, simply specify the JMX_EXPORTER_PORT environment variable when creating a container based on debezium/debezium-server:2.7 or later, and making sure that the agent’s port is accessible to the outside world on the container.

The JMX Exporter uses the configuration in config/metrics.yml by default. If this configuration is insufficient, you will need to explicitly mount a custom file with the desired configuration to override the container’s file.

Enabling JMX Exporter with Debezium Operator

If you are deploying Debezium Server on Kubernetes using the Debezium Operator, the new JMX Exporter feature in Debezium Server can be enabled directly through the operator custom resource (DBZ-7914). To get started using the exporter with the operator, new configuration operations were added:

      enabled: true
        key1: value1
        key2: value2

In the custom resource, the jmxExporter.enabled toggles the exporter on or off. Additionally, the metrics configuration can be supplied using key/value pairs in the jmxExporter.configFrom section.

Optional delay between snapshot & streaming

Debezium 2.7 ships with a new global configuration option, This new option causes the connector to perform a delay before it starts the streaming phase (DBZ-7902).

For some deployment use cases, you may want to guarantee that at least one offset flush interval has happened before the streaming phase begins. In such use cases, uses should guarantee that both properties, and are aligned.

By default, Debezium will not perform a delay and immediately transitions to the streaming phase to remain consistent with prior version behavior.

Other changes

Altogether, 36 issues were fixed in this release. Here are a list of some additional noteworthy changes:

  • Debezium 1.9.2 cannot capture field that is date type of postgres DBZ-5182

  • Ensure vgtid remains local to shards streamed by task DBZ-6721

  • Decompose provide.transaction.metadata into components DBZ-6722

  • Handle Enum as String or Int DBZ-7792

  • Rewrite batch statement not supported for jdbc debezium sink DBZ-7845

  • Debezium MySQL Snapshot Connector Fails DBZ-7858

  • Reduce enum array allocation DBZ-7859

  • Snapshot retrying logic falls into infinite retry loop DBZ-7860

  • Bump Java in Debezium Server images DBZ-7861

  • Default value of error retries not interpreted correctly DBZ-7870

  • Avro schema compatibility issues when upgrading from Oracle Debezium 2.5.3.Final to 2.6.1.Final DBZ-7880

  • Improve offset and history storage configuration DBZ-7884

  • Oracle Debezium Connector cannot startup due to failing incremental snapshot DBZ-7886

  • Allow customizing ObjectMapper in JsonSerde DBZ-7887

  • Multiple completed reading from a capture instance notifications DBZ-7889

  • Debezium can’t handle columns with # in its name DBZ-7893

  • Oracle interval default values are not properly parsed DBZ-7898

  • Debezium server unable to shutdown on pubsub error DBZ-7904

  • Handle gtid without range only single position DBZ-7905

  • Enhancing the threads utility class for broader use DBZ-7906

  • Oracle connector cannot parse SUBPARTITION when altering table DBZ-7908

  • Make column exclude use keyspace not shard DBZ-7910

  • The explanation in the documentation is insufficient - metric DBZ-7912

Chris Cranford

Chris is a software engineer at Red Hat. He previously was a member of the Hibernate ORM team and now works on Debezium. He lives in North Carolina just a few hours from Red Hat towers.


About Debezium

Debezium is an open source distributed platform that turns your existing databases into event streams, so applications can see and respond almost instantly to each committed row-level change in the databases. Debezium is built on top of Kafka and provides Kafka Connect compatible connectors that monitor specific database management systems. Debezium records the history of data changes in Kafka logs, so your application can be stopped and restarted at any time and can easily consume all of the events it missed while it was not running, ensuring that all events are processed correctly and completely. Debezium is open source under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Get involved

We hope you find Debezium interesting and useful, and want to give it a try. Follow us on Twitter @debezium, chat with us on Zulip, or join our mailing list to talk with the community. All of the code is open source on GitHub, so build the code locally and help us improve ours existing connectors and add even more connectors. If you find problems or have ideas how we can improve Debezium, please let us know or log an issue.