Debezium Blog

Despite summer being well underway, Debezium contributors remain hard at work, and it’s my pleasure to announce the next preview release of Debezium 2.4 series, 2.4.0.Alpha2. This preview release includes a mix of improvements, bug fixes, and new features that are available for the Debezium community to test and offer feedback. Some highlights from this release include ad-hoc blocking snapshots, source-to-sink column name propagation, support for alternative MySQL drivers, and all Cassandra connectors with Debezium...

It is my pleasure to announce the immediate release of Debezium 2.3.2.Final.
This release includes several bug fixes to address regressions, stability, documentation updates. If you are currently looking to upgrade to the Debezium 2.3.x release stream, we highly recommend you consider using this release. Let’s take a quick look into the regressions and bug fixes.

It has been several weeks since we released the first installment of Debezium 2.3, and I’m excited to announce the next iteration of Debezium 2.3 with 2.3.1.Final. As with any micro-release, the focus is on stability and bug fixes, as well as adjustments to our documentation; however there are some changes that are noteworthy that I would like to take a few moments to highlight.

It’s been a busy month in Debezium-land, and it’s my pleasure to announce the first release of Debezium 2.4 series, 2.4.0.Alpha1. This release includes a plethora of changes, 59 changes to be exact, that cover a wide range of resolved issues, improvement to stability, new features, and several breaking changes. Let’s dive into each of these and discuss them in more depth. Breaking changes New features Other changes Breaking changes MongoDB The MongoDB connector explicitly...

Welcome to this series of articles dedicated to signaling and notifications in Debezium! This post serves as the second installment in the series, where we will discuss how to customize the signal and notification channels in Debezium.
Debezium 2.3 introduced new improvements in signaling and notification capabilities. You can set up new signals and notification channels in addition to the pre-defined signals and notification channels offered by Debezium. This feature enables users to customize the system to suit their unique needs and combine it with their existing infrastructure or third-party solutions. It enables effective monitoring and a proactive response to data changes by precisely capturing and communicating signal events and triggering notifications through preferred channels.
The first article in this series, Signaling and Notifications in Debezium, provides an overview of the signaling and notification features in Debezium. It also discusses the available channels & their use cases for various scenarios.