Debezium Blog

Change Data Capture (CDC) is widely used in various contexts, such as microservices communication, legacy system modernization, and cache invalidation. The core idea of this pattern is to detect and track changes in a data source (e.g., a database) and propagate them to other systems in real-time or near real-time. Debezium is a CDC platform that provides a wide range of connectors for most data sources. Beyond capturing changes, it also offers transformation capabilities through...

Hello everyone, I’m René, data engineer at a Swiss insurance company. For round about four years now I have been using Debezium in several projects. Since I am not a Java developer I haven’t had the opportunity to contribute any code lines for Debezium in all these years. Nevertheless, or precisely because of that, I thought I could at least contribute a few written lines about a subject that is quite important probably not only...

In the realm of data streaming optimization, even subtle improvements can make a significant impact. This article focuses on one such refinement: the introduction of batch support in Debezium’s JDBC connector. We’ll guide you through the process of enabling batches and share the practical outcomes of our performance testing.