Hi everyone, my name is Vojtěch Juránek and I recently joined the Debezium team.

Most of my professional IT career I’ve spent at Red Hat. I have a background in particle physics, but I did quite a lot programming even before joining Red Hat, when working on simulations of high-energy particle collisions and their data analysis. The science is by default open and all software I was using was open source as well. Here started my love for open source.

When I decided to do programming for a living, Red Had was a natural choice for me, as by that time it was one of the few companies which promoted open source heavily. I started to work at Red Hat as a Hudson developer. I developed and maintained many plugins and also contributed to Hudson core. I focused mainly on Hudson stability and memory footprint as I also took care about internal JBoss Hudson instance, which was the world’s largest Hudson deployment by that time. When Hudson was forked to Jenkins, I co-created and a maintained Jenkins LTS (long term support) branch. I was also a member of Jenkins CERT team.

After a couple of years spent with Hudson/Jenkins, I decided it’s time to move on and joined Infinispan team as a quality engineer. Knowing only a little about things like memory data grid when I joined the team, I quickly discovered the beautiful world of distributed systems and fell in love with it. As a quality engineer on the Infinispan project I not only dug deep in distributed databases and consensus algorithms, but also became familiar with other very interesting projects like e.g. Jepsen.

Later on, I accepted the challenge to discover another interesting world - the world of virtual machines and data centers and started to work as a developer on oVirt project project in the storage team. I was mostly working on low level stuff, on projects vdsm and imageio.

Working on oVirt was interesting, but I was really excited when I got an opportunity to move back to databases and distributed systems and join the Debezium project. I’m looking forward to work on this wonderful project!



Vojtěch Juránek

Vojta is a software engineer at Red Hat. He lives in the Czech Republic.


About Debezium

Debezium is an open source distributed platform that turns your existing databases into event streams, so applications can see and respond almost instantly to each committed row-level change in the databases. Debezium is built on top of Kafka and provides Kafka Connect compatible connectors that monitor specific database management systems. Debezium records the history of data changes in Kafka logs, so your application can be stopped and restarted at any time and can easily consume all of the events it missed while it was not running, ensuring that all events are processed correctly and completely. Debezium is open source under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Get involved

We hope you find Debezium interesting and useful, and want to give it a try. Follow us on Twitter @debezium, chat with us on Zulip, or join our mailing list to talk with the community. All of the code is open source on GitHub, so build the code locally and help us improve ours existing connectors and add even more connectors. If you find problems or have ideas how we can improve Debezium, please let us know or log an issue.